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Turkish Get Up


1. Start lying on your back with the kettlebell in your right hand, arm extended straight up towards the ceiling.

2. Bend the right knee, keeping right foot pressed into the ground.

3. Push off your left hand and right foot to come up to a seated position, keeping right arm extended and holding the kettlebell.

4. Press through the right foot to elevate the hips and slide your left leg back into a lunge position.

5. Come up to a standing position, keeping right arm extended and holding the kettlebell.

6. Keeping the kettlebell in the right arm and fully extended, step your left foot back into a lunge position and lower your left hand towards the ground.

7. Press through the right foot as you return your left leg to a seated position, keeping right knee bent and kettlebell in the right arm and fully extended.

8. Lower your back to the ground, using your left hand on the ground as support.

9. Carefully lower the kettlebell to the ground beside you.

10. Repeat the exercise on the other side, starting with kettlebell in the left hand, arm extended, and left knee bent.